Participatory Problem Solving (PPS)

Management Consultancy Service In

Participatory Problem Solving (PPS)


The firm advocates Human resources inteventions in resolving problems by invorking huge communication exercises between different units of the organization such as workstation exercises, performance action team process and quality cycle (QS). It conducts Participatory Action Studies with clients who participate in all stages of problem identification, study designs, evaluation of results, evolving tentative solutions, crafting implementation strategies and reflection on outputs, outcomes and impacts in a collaborative manner.  


We explore everything nature provides for us

 We explore nature to see what is already available and to discover what aren’t discovered, through this title we offer various tourism activities as analyzed below:

Cultural Tourism, Hiking, and Camping in Meru Region

We do half-day to 3-day Cultural Walking Tours that include activities such as tours of bee garden and other beekeeping related history and activities as well as banana and Coffee plantations, trying fresh local coffee that has been processed from bean to your cup right in front of you and having a glass of honey to add so that you taste the African Coffee Honey.

A hike to Mto wa Mbuzi Waterfall just located 200 Meters away from Bee garden, trying traditional home-cooked dishes, mountain biking.

Other areas to visit are Temi Pottery Project in Snig’isi village, Traditional healer and much more hiking if that’s what you want! You can choose to stay at Beewonders Api-Campsite located in Green vegetation of Meru land and home of the indigenous family.

Wildlife Safaris

Since we are located in the Arusha region of Northern Tanzania which is heart of Tourism and home to some of the most famous paradise in the world such as Serengeti National Park, Ngorongoro Conservation Area and Crater, Tarangire National Park, and Manyara National Park and many more others situated along the Great Rift Valley that stretches from Jordan in the Middle East, all the way down to Mozambique in East Africa, each park has its own unique environment and wildlife habitat. 

We offer all inclusive safaris to many parks in Tanzania, including those with more of wildlife attractions and those with more of scenery attractions such as KITULO National Park, and they can range from 1 day to several weeks. 

Overnight stays often consist of staying within a patrolled but open campsite near or close to the park. Camping is the most common way to experience a game drive safari, however, we mainly stick on the individual wishes. 

We can offer lodge accommodation in any of the beautiful African lodges within suitable distance of your excursion.

If you are interested in booking a safari, you can email

Apart from all the services we offer we also arrange all inclusive treks of Mount Kilimanjaro from 5-8 days, Mount Meru from 3-4 days.


We conserve through different conservation projects

We motivate community to planting native trees and vegetation to ensure availability of flowers for the bees as well as to control soil erosion caused by wind and water. Trees and vegetation are essential in the maintenance of the ecosystem.

 They also act as home for most insects including honey bees, birds and other wildlife which also being used in tourism activities. This creates a habitat for wildlife therefore conserving wildlife altogether.


To introduce and develop Api-cultural tourism in order to diversify Tanzanian Tourism Destination, improving livelihood through sustainable utilization of Natural resources and initiation of small scale industries as well as biodiversity conservation all under Apiculture sector.


Improvement of Beekeeping practices through innovations and creativity for the benefit of mankind and environment.


  • To construct commercial beehives and top bar hives that will be sold in the affordable price to all interested stakeholders
  • Initiation of small scale soap making, candle making and other food making industries relating to bee products
  • To have partnership with government and non government organization and other groups interested in beekeeping sector in relation to sustainable utilization of natural resource and biodiversity conservation
  • Involvement of local community (beekeepers) in traditional beehive making and other api tourism activities
  • To conduct wildlife safaris and adventures as well as other related tourism activities
  • Supporting local people through provision of understanding/education on modern ways of bee product harvest, processing and apiaries managements and establishment
  • Creation of tourism attractions based on beekeeping within special apiaries garden and local apiaries 
  • Alleviation of poverty through production and distribution of bee products resulting from existing apiaries including those of local beekeepers. 

Contact Us

Man-Audit Cycles Associates,
P.O. Box 75030, TABATA SEGEREA, 
Madiba Street, House No. 25,
Adjacent to Madiba Sec. School, 

Tel: +255 786 777177
       +255 784 363289
       +255 784 386360
